Mode of Learning – Online

Learning Duration: 4 Weeks (120 Hrs)

Starting:……  Ending: …..

Payment Details: To cover tuition and training materials only.

Application Fee: Kshs 1000

Course Fees: Kshs 15,800


Leadership is a transformative and complex process involving a series of transitions
which are rarely linear or smooth, from one situation to another. In the recent past,
teacher education has undergone many reforms, calling for transformative
leadership. This capacity development program has been designed for leaders and
managers of teacher education institutions to help enhance coordination and
alignment, improve learning outcomes, policy influence and goof practice.
Through participatory approaches, course participants will be challenged to
candidly analyze issues affecting performance of their institutions and eventually
develop and adopt transformative frameworks that will impact positively on
institutional performance but also on the quality of teachers produced.


Senior principals, Deputy Principals, Registrars, Deans and Heads of Departments of Teacher Training colleges


By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  •  Articulate the concept of transformative leadership in education
  •  Appreciate the importance of empowering self and others in transformative leadership
  • Deduce the implications of the legal and policy framework on teacher education in Kenya
  •  Demonstrate understanding of the influence of the organizational structures, climate and culture on institutional performance
  •  Appreciate the role of teacher education institutions in the achievement of national and education sector plans
  •  Appraise the different sources of appropriation-in-aid for effective resource management
  • Create an institutional culture of high performance through strategic leadership.
  • Apply performance management tools for effective institutional performance.
  • Develop partnerships and networks for institutional growth and
  •  Examine the implications of curriculum reforms on teacher education
  • Design strategies for continued learning during times of crisis


  • Transformative Leadership
  •  Empowering Self and Others
  •  Legal and Policy Issues in Teacher Education
  •  The Institution of Learning as An Organisation
  •  Institutional Planning
  •  Budgeting: Expanding the Financial Base through Appropriation In Aid
  • Strategic Leadership
  •  Performance Management that Makes A Difference
  •  Developing Partnerships and Collaborations
  •  Competency Based Education: The Implications Of Curriculum Reforms On Teacher Education
  •  Remote Learning For Teacher Education in Kenya: A Dream Or Reality

Course Code: TLT/2025

How to Apply for the Course