KEMI is established pursuant to Section 4 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of Legal Notice No.19 of 12th February, 2010. It is responsible for coordinating research and consultancy activites in the Institute.

 The functions of Research and Consultancy include: 

  1. Initiating  the formulatation, implementation and review of Research and Consultancy policies, strategies, plans, standards and guidelines;
  2. Providing advisory and technical services on education leadership and  management  issues;
  3. Serving as a point of reference in the exchange of research findings to inform  policy in  the education sector;
  4. Coordinating specific surveys on education policy and practice and disseminate findings to stakeholders;
  5. Coordinating the development and maintenance of a database of research findings on education related issues and make them available to the government, the sector and learning institutions;
  6. Spearheading education research and analysis for clients in the private and public sectors;
  7. Coordinating research on topical issues in education;
  8. Overseeing the Publishing and dissemination of research findings through journals, workshops, seminars and conferences;
  9. Coordinating research in collaboration with other research institutions to achieve the Institute’s objectives;
  10. Overseeing research on pertinent and contemporary issues in education management;
  11. Overseeing the administration of training needs assessment to inform development of training programs;
  12. Overseeing the administration of impact assessment of training programs;
  13. Recommending innovative ways of delivery for programs and services;
  14. Promoting provision of consultancy services;